shoe factory, Happy Shoes was founded by Eng.
Karam Tarazi
in 1990, in Ismailia city ,sole administrator of the
firm, who had already been in the shoe business for
more than fifty (50) years.
are the first factoury in ismailia producing shoes in
the industry zone of ismailia,
are the first factoury who produce the lighting
shoes in Egypt as will as lighting and music shoes.
are alwayes looking for making sport shoes with
a new idea and new modification as will as new
firm, which uses the latest technologies on the
market, produces up to 5.000 pairs of sport shoes
injected with PVC in an area of 5.000 sq.m located in
the industrial part of Ismailia.
out continuous and advanced research allows us
to develop a vast collection of shoes which reflects
the latest trends and are exported all over the world,
hence our trait is to produce shoes which are
made with the best materials in leather, canvas and